~Coaching you. Holistically.~

Wondering if coaching is for you? Read on...

Some of us are pretty good at maintaining our health to the top, but, for others, it may feel like you are not there yet and it’s O.K.

Know that you are on this journey for a reason and that to every problem, there is a solution.

Coaching is made for the people who feel as if they’ve tried it all and nothing worked. It is made for you to reconnect with your true self and help you get back on track by building new, healthy habits and getting rid of the old ones that no longer serve you.

Holistic Health Coaching is different than other coaching methods as it is based on the idea that to reach perfect health your body, mind, and spirit need to be aligned. This means that in order to help you reach your goal, we treat all areas of your being. Not just the food and the way you eat.

To help you succeed, we will start with an hour-long consultation which will help me dress a profile where I can highlight your strong areas and the ones where you need help the most, your goals and essentially finding the root cause to why you are not on your health path yet.

Through breathwork, meditation, occasional talks, meal plan, journaling, I will help you feel your best and stick to it.

Being healthy doesn’t only mean that we look good in the mirror. How we feel about ourselves and how our body responds to everyday life’s aggression matters too. Being healthy means that we feel balanced as a whole. Not just parts.

Are you ready to feel amazing?

I’d like to invite you to get in touch with me with any questions you may have about coaching.